Tuesday, May 31, 2011

He Didn't Start the Fire (Sung to Billy Joel)

Banks gamble high stakes
Playing games with Real Estate.
They demand a hand out
Bush TARP bailout
Detroit is going bust
Trickles down the rest of us.
Stock prices hit the ground
Wall Street Meltdown

Now Obama's President
But that's not the end of it.
Tea Party activists
Paid for by the corportists.
Fillbuster Health Reform
John Birchers are Reborn
They deny he's President
Claim illegal resident.

He didn't start the fire
And he's tried to fight it
His hands tied behind him.
He didn't start the fire
And we'll never fight it
Unless we stand united

Fox's mighty smear machine
Add new players to the team
Glenn Beck's blackboard
Helps the haters keep score
Glenn outlines crazy plots.
His fans connect the dots
Gabby Giffords lies on bed
With Palin's bullets in her head.

Arab Spring, Birth Form,
Nerd Prom, Memphis Storm,
Seals take Osama down,
Bibi strolls into town,
Irish Pub long lost kin,
Ping Pong Parliament,
World leaders at G8
UN Libya debate.

We didn't start the fire
But it's gonna keep growing
With the evil they're sowing.
We didn't start the fire
But we'll have to fight it
And we stand united.

Sarah Palin fading flame
Wants to play a Biker game
But the Thunder she can't steal
From the sound of Harley wheels.
Obama's onhe Joplin streets
Comforting the folks he meets
Later when he starts to speak
He's preaching to the preachers.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Clinton, Republicans agree to deregulation of US financial system

Clinton, Republicans agree to deregulation of US financial system
A little history lesson from the rear view mirror.

The proposed deregulation will increase the degree of monopolization in finance and worsen the position of consumers in relation to creditors. Even more significant is its impact on the overall stability of US and world capitalism.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Cornel West's tragic meltdown

Read this great piece by Joan Walsh in Salon.

My comment:
We see what happened when Republicans choose party loyalty instead of "Country First" We also know what happens when Democrats splinter and decide to support Ralph Nader. As much as I like to flirt with the New Left/Progressives - I'm a Detroit raised, Bread and Butter, Union Democrat. Sometimes the conddescending tone of the elitist wing gets under my skin. But so does my big brother's know it all attitude. Democrats are a big, noisy, family that all think they're the "favorite". We need to stop fighting over the skimpy menu and put more food on this table. Our kids are hungry.
Cornel West's tragic meltdown

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

The Hand That Feeds You: The OTHER Obama Derangement Syndrome

The Hand That Feeds You: The OTHER Obama Derangement Syndrome
You MUST READ THIS! How the Left is it's own worst enemy.
Throughout Obama's first two years, we the people who did elect him largely sat on our hands expecting to be saved. Perhaps we had become so inured to the imperial nature of the Presidency within the Bush years that we forgot that there are other requirements of citizenship between ballots. As we continued to do nothing and the opposition used slick, manipulative marketing to energize hundreds of thousand of idiots, the Washington Post asked "Is Obama Betraying The Left?" The New Statesman published "Obama: The Betrayal?" It goes on and on and on.
It wasn't the Progressive elites who showed up in Wisconsin to push back against the forces of tyranny. It was the bread and butter, blue collar working folks of Wisconsin. For us being a Democrat isn't trendy - it's survival. And for those who don't have the time to fight for their democracy - it's not like laundry that you can postpone. Democracy requires patriotism.
I'm not an Obama apologist - and what a Frank Luntz kind of castrating term - shame on any lefty that uses it. I'm a loyal supporter. I am more pleased with my vote today than when I cast it. President Obama has managed to stay three moves ahead of the rest of us while being handcuffed by Banksters extortion, MSM slander, real threats to himself and his family and Democrats who are as spineless as the Republicans say we are. God bless Obama if he's willing to stick with us till we grow up.

Saturday, May 7, 2011