Wednesday, June 8, 2011


Piers Morgan - Blogs

Jack Welsh was on Piers Morgan tonight. I swear if I hear one more billionaire blame the Wall St Meltdown on poor people thinking they were #Entitled to a place to live - I will vomit in a bag and mail it to them
They hoard the wealth at the top but the blame they want to share with us.

I never felt entitled. I felt like I was working harder & making less. I was downsized & outsourced and fighting to keep a roof over our heads.
I think it's time that pampered class feel some pain. Maybe THEY'RE the reason the US can't compete in a global market. America was built by genius innovators who believed in America an invested not just money but heart & soul.

This group of Grecian Formula clones have never actually gotten their hands dirty. They can't build anything. They are 3AM gamblers on a losing streak, blaming everybody else and asking for one more roll of the dice.