Monday, November 16, 2009

RE: Jon Voight tells the truth about Obama. Wake up America.‏

I got this email. 

John Fucking Voight? Suddenly this second rate actor whose greatest accomplishment seems to be impregnating Angelina Jolie's mother - all of a sudden this guy has the answer? And Huckleberry Huckabee? The so called preacher? Yea, that jack ass know nothing. If he's a preacher then I'm St Paul.

Free will?  Right.  Free will to turn away from this heritic.  Jesus would be throwing tables around this shameful temple. 

Eight years, I listened to this nonsense.  Meanwhile, Cheney scared us to death while he built his own private army (Halliburton) using our money.  Now, no matter what we do, he's got more troops than we do and they're better paid because they're mercenaries working for Halliburton.  And who is Halliburton?  It's Cheney!  The problem in Afghanistan is that for eight years Cheney's army has been working with the poppy growers. Forget the Taliban. Forget Osama - they wanted the profits from the poppy fields. They are in bed with Karzai the "unelected" leader of Afghanistan.  Now they want more American troops to come and die in Afghanistan.  Halliburton has one sweetheart of a deal with Cheney. 

And where did all the money go?  Besides the billions in cash "misplaced" in Iraq.  Besides the billions in no bid contracts.  Shortly before the banking failure "someone" took 50 billion dollars out of the markets. Whoosh.....gone. Collapse. When they knew that it would be a Democrat in the white house - they broke the bank. So they killed the army. They broke the bank. And you think Obama needs to be impeached? 
Where do you get your information?  What planet are you living on?
Gimme a break. And stop watching Fox!
One of the things that helped Newt Gingrich with his "Contract on America" was his cozy relationship with Rupert Murdoch. You see, until Newt got to town, only American citizens could own the American press. Makes sense right? If the freedom of the press is necessary for a real democracy then it should not be owned by foreigners. Well, Newt sold us out for a hefty little publishing deal.

see the rest of this excellent documentary here:
Out Foxed by Rupert Murdoch

Since then the Murdoch enterprises have grown like a venereal disease. He takes over all the media in a town and uses it to determine the policy and the politics. It's part of a business plan to own the media. We used to have two newspapers in each town, two points of view. Now in some places there is only Rupert Murdoch. Rupert owns Fox. He owns the Wall Street Journal, he owns the Washington Times and the New York Post. In this country, he's not ashamed that he "styles the news" to fit his business plan. He's up front about wanting to destroy Obama before he'd even taken the oath of office. Back home - he hangs his head in shame and won't answer the question. Back home in Australia he is ashamed to admit what he's done.

You see, he's not an American. He does not give a shit about what happens here.

If you get your information from Fox (his news, his radio, his newspapers) then you are ignorant. Then you only know what Rupert wants you to know. And you know what will make him more money

While we were lazy and sleepy and wanted to buy more stuff so we weren't paying attention - they sold us to Rupert Murdoch. A white trash Australian billionaire who hates America. News Corp is Rupert Murdoch

Obama is ten months into a Presidency.
Other than the fact that he's black - what do you object to?

Getting the insurance companies to cover more people? Breaking the Insurance company cartel? Regulating the banks so we don't end up bailing them out again? Trying to revitalize the Midwest manufacturing industry and update to green energy and technology? Put money back into our schools and try to bring education of out kids back to world class levels? Equal pay for women?  Ending torture?  Regaining America's place as the standard for justice and liberty? 

What has he done that you fear?   I mean besides be black?

At this point in W's presidency, he'd spent most of the time "clearing brush" in Crawford. He had managed to give the biggest tax break in history to millionaires without paying for it, allow us to be attacked on our own soil, attack the county where the attack started and start a war with the county who didn't attack us. Before he left, Osama was still at large, the Taliban was more powerful then ever, our military was worn ragged, Cheney had given billions in "no bid' contracts to Haliburton and they had grown an private army larger than ours in Iraq and he watched the economy crash.

Quite a list of accomplishments. 
And you want Obama impeached?

Gimme a break.  Have another Oxycontin honey.


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